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Initial Consultation – Free. We will discuss trusts, wills and lifetime gifts in the context of current and future tax and probate costs, flexibility and practicality and cost of each planning approach, and unforeseen family dynamics that should be addressed up front, to help choose the proper mix of estate planning techniques.

Living Trust Plan. Includes all Attorney Consultations, Living Trust with Bypass Trust, Pourover Will(s), Health Care Directive(s), Deed of California residence to trust (with notary and recording fee), Assignment of Assets, Certification of Trust, and Power(s) of Attorney, all as applicable. Please request an Estate Planning Worksheet to complete and bring with you for our first meeting.

Other estate planning services (e.g., Wills, health care directives, powers of attorney, codicils and trust amendments, and gift plans are all available at hourly or flat rates.

FLiPs, APTs, GRITs, GRATs, GRUTs – not available. There are a number of estate planning techniques that are targeted at clients with substantial wealth ($11 million or more) who want to accelerate gifts during their lifetimes to their children and/ or charities, so to aggressively reduce the size of their estates. These techniques include Family Limited Partnerships, Asset Protection Trusts, Gift Retained Income Trusts, Gift Retained Annuity Trusts, and Gift Retained Unitrusts. While I have used these techniques at times in the past, I believe I serve my clients better by referring out this rarified .1% of potential clients, and focusing my talents on the situations that affect the remaining 99.9% of the population.

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